Irish Wolfhounds may have been used in arena fighting in the Roman Empire and were said to have been able to take out lions, wolves, wild boar, and armored cavalry! An Irish Wolfhound can reach seven feet in height standing on its hind legs and can weigh as much as 180 pounds, about the size of a small pony! At one time, only royalty were allowed to own Irish Wolfhounds.
Related pages:
Irish Wolfhound Rescue
Wyoming Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)
Laramie County - Cheyenne, Wyoming 82007 Cheyenne Animal Shelter 307-632-6655
Goshen County - Hawk Springs, Wyoming 82217 Pet Pals, Inc. 307-532-3861
Fremont County - Lander, WY 82520 Lander Pet Connection 307-330-5200
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